Monday, September 17, 2007

Goodbye to Iams Dog Food After 21 Years

Dusty Prefers Hill's Science Diet

I didn't want to suddenly change Dusty's brand of dog food, so we mixed some of the Science Diet dry dog food into his 1/2 empty bowl of Iams (also dry) food.

About 5 minutes later there was a small pile of Iams dog food on the rug next to his bowl.

Dusty had carefully removed every piece of the Iams food from his bowl and had eaten all of the Science Diet brand.

Photo Description - Dusty lounging on his couch (circa 2007), his favorite thing to do when he is not eating.

Until now, Dusty has never had any other dog food, other than the Iams brand.

We started feeding our dogs Iams Eukanuba in 1986. At the time, Iams was a small family business, unknown outside of the dog breeder circles.

All of our poodle puppies went to their new homes along with an 8 lb bag of Eukanuba puppy food. We wanted only the best for our pups.

Photo Description - In the photo of the 2 show dogs (circa 1987), the silver poodle pup on the right was one of our puppies. Her name was Clas Haus Amy Dalton. She was raised by Joannie Clas, the owner/handler of her daddy.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Update on the Drug Bust in Eutaw

A methamphetamine lab and counterfeit money in Eutaw???

As hard as it is to believe, the answer is yes. And to make matters worse, all of that was happening on Lee Street, in a house next door to the elementary school.

How fortunate we are to have a police chief that knows what he is doing and shut the place down. While writing the news article for, I had to look up the spelling of methamphetamine, it was then that I read just how dangerous those labs are to the community.

They are so dangerous that a hazmat team has to do the clean-up because they are considered a hazardous waste site. What kind of a person would do such a thing next door to an elementary school? It's sickening.

Our police spent the entire day out there and they were still there long after the sun went down. They deserve to be paid more money. They're the ones putting themselves at risk to keep the community safe. They should be paid a lot more than they are getting now.

We'll follow this case and keep you updated as more information becomes available. In the meantime, our neighborhood can begin getting back to normal. The way it was before cars were ripping up and down the street all hours of the day and night, going to and from that house.


Drug Bust in Eutaw Near Elementary School

A two month long investigation leads to an arrest earlier this evening on Lee St. in Eutaw. We have a statement from the Eutaw City police chief that we'll be posting here in a short while.

Sign up for our newsletter so that you don't miss any of our posts, especially our next post that will have information about the drug bust.
